Grave Matters: Wandlebury, Gog Magog, Cambs., England
Photos by Joan Rogers and Arthur Lemay. © Joan Rogers 2003; all rights reserved. © Arthur Lemay 2003; all rights reserved.
Top, views of the Stable Block at Wandlebury, in England (photo by Joan Rogers/Arthur Lemay). Middle: the grave of the Godolphin Arabian, inside the archway (photo by Joan Rogers/Arthur Lemay). Bottom: the stone marking the grave of the Godolphin Arabian (photo by Arthur Lemay). |
The estate built inside the rings of the ancient hill fort at WANDLEBURY,near Gog Magog, Cambridgshire, in England, was the seat and former stud for Francis, the second Earl of Godolphin. Lord Godolphin acquired fromthe estate of his friend Edward Coke most of Coke's bloodstock, includingthe stallion which became known as the GODOLPHIN ARABIAN, and another named HOBGOBLIN.
Amongthe Arabian's best progeny were REGULUS, LATH, CADE, and Godolphin-breds BABRAHAM, BLANK, and *SELIMA, the latter an important runner and foundation mare upon her importation to America. The GODOLPHIN ARABIAN became alegend in his own time, which explains why, when he died in 1753, atthe estimated age of 29, he was buried with honors within the stable complex in a spot where all would have to pass. -A.P. |